Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Learning Sight Words!

Every week we learn 2-3 new sight words.  There are many ways that we practice these new words.
Writing with dry erase markers

New sight words hang over our tables.  Students are dismissed by sight word to go do their work.

Reading and writing sight words

Words on colored skeletons

Recording sheet

Trace words and put the letters back in order

We practice reading our word rings.  Practice at home too!!
After we learn a sight word it gets put on our word wall.  Friends names and pictures help us to find words that start with the same letter.  Sight words are in different colors to help us identify words when several start with the same letter.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

When We Grow Up We Want To Be A....

Aspire Higher Week

Guy E. Rowe walking in the Aspire Higher parade!

This week we learned about community helpers and discussed what we want to be when we grow up.  The Aspire Higher parade was fun.  We walked with the fourth graders from Mrs. Wood's class.
Mrs. West, a New Balance employee, talked to our class about how she makes sneakers.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Leaves are Falling

This week boys and girls learned through Math and Literacy stations that focused on Fall leaves.   Many boys and girls brought leaves to share at our science station.  We enjoyed learning new songs and reading books about Autumn!  Happy Fall Y'all!
The Leaves Are Falling Down Song

Colorful leaves hanging from the ceiling for students to count.

Gourds, sunflower, Chinese lanterns, and leaves to observe at the Science Station

We labeled our Fall Science items.

Science Notebook entry:  "The sunflower has seeds.  It feels bumpy and ruf."

Our Cute Scarecrows!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Fire Safety Week!

Chief Yates showed us how to check a fire extinguisher.

Remember to change the batteries in your smoke detectors!

The fire fighter put on all his gear!

Kalin and friend with their hands on the wall....

The Thermal Imaging Camera shows the heat from the boys' hands.

Our class loves Sparky!

We wrote a thank you note to the firefighters.

Our bulletin board!

Five Little Firefighters!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

Finger lickin' good!
Last week our class started learning to read our color words.  What better way then by reading the very popular, Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin Jr. and Eric Carle.  Some of our activities included sorting m&m's according to the colors in the book, writing our own version:  Mrs. Fleming's Class, Mrs. Fleming's Class, Who Do You See?, and making a brown bear at the creative station.  For snack on Thursday we made yummy brown bears from cinnamon bread, peanut butter, bananas, and m&m's!
Conner asked for the recipe!


Monday, October 7, 2013

Bee Safe, Respectful, and Responsible!

Carter, the first recipient of the Bee!

At Guy E. Rowe our school rules are:  1.  Be Safe, 2. Be Respectful, 3. Be Responsible.  Our Kindergarten has learned a song about the "Three B's" to remind us of these rules.  In our classroom Bumble the Bee has arrived to recognize students who follow these three important qualities.  Who will be the next student to earn the Bee?!