Sunday, November 16, 2014

Science and Writing: Deer

To wrap up our non-fiction/informational writing unit we learned about Deer.  At the Science Station boys and girls explored deer antlers and deer droppings (in a container!).  During writing time we read a non-fiction book about deer and took notes.  From these notes authors wrote facts about deer.  Everyone loved this unit and our writing is definitely improving!
Science Station

Ways to start our writing at the Science Station.

Writing Workshop notes

"Deer are fuzzy.  Deer are fast."

"Deer's have big ears to check for other sounds." 

"Deer can run and eat leaves and grass."

Disguising Tom Turkey

This week we have read several books about turkeys who disguise themselves in hopes of not being on the dinner table for Thanksgiving.  Students were challenged to disguise their own turkeys.  Boys and girls did a fantastic job! 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Pumpkin Jack

Last week we read the book Pumpkin Jack.   In the book a boy keeps a pumpkin, watching it decay and rot, until it eventually in the Spring grows a new pumpkin plant.  We had our own Pumpkin Jack in our classroom for a week.  Check out the pictures to see the changes.  On Monday it got put in the fenced in area outside our classroom and will be covered with dirt.  Hopefully in the Spring we will find a new pumpkin plant growing!

Day 2 (I forgot to take a picture day 1)

Day 3...look at all the mold already!  And lots of fruit flies!!

Day 5...every day I empty the cookie sheet because it is full of pumpkin water!